Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My dog is a happy girl...

So, this weekend I took my dog, Connolly, to Cleveland Park and Falls Park to enjoy the beautiful fall weather we are having. It was gorgeous! Leaves are turning. There is a bit of a chill in the air. And, the smell...

There is just something about that Fall smell, you know? It reminds me that it's football season and really makes me want to be outside doing something. I love it.
Anyway, on my jaunt on Sunday through Cleveland Park, I noticed that the new portion of the trail was open. This new portion is the City's portion of the Swamp Rabbit Trail and it runs behind Cleveland Street and the YMCA and 1st Baptist Church. If you've seen the portion that the trail put in about a year and half ago over by the Linky Stone Children's Garden, this is just like that. 8 feet wide asphalt. 4 feet wide rubberized asphalt. It's really great, especially to people like me who suffer from severe shin splints. My dog loved it too. She was a bit apprehensive about the rubberized part, but she soon got used to it.

We walked all the way down to Greenville Tech and back. Then, we stopped by the Dog Park. Of course by that time Connolly was worn out, but what a great way to spend a Sunday afternooon, you know?

So, check out the trail. If you are in Cleveland Park next to the dog park and are looking across the street, look to the left of the horse stables and you will see the trail. Have fun.

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