In case you have been living under a rock for the past year, tomorrow is Election Day. No matter which way it goes, the results are going to make history and the political science major in me wants to be sure to remind you all to become a participant in our democratic process and vote.
Most importantly, do your research and educate yourselves on the issues that are important to you. Do your homework and head out to the polls on what is supposed to be a beautiful day. Though the lines may be long, this is your chance to use your voice.
As part of Vision 2025, we hope to reach the goal of 75% of the electorate voting in a general election. If early turnout holds true, we may edge closer to this goal and it is only 2007!
We'll see you at the polls.
if it does reach 75% voting...is it because of your efforts or Obama's 'get out the vote' message? Another words can you rightfully take credit? I did not see GF push hard in my district to "get out the vote." I guess if there is a high voter turn out, which there will be, across America can GF be credited with that too?
I guess it is all about being at the right place in time, right?
I agree with the GF stance on getting more people to vote but disagree that GF should take credit if it does go over 75%. I know it is a goal and people have worked on it but I question the amount of work towards this goal.
Please update me (and everyone) on the efforts put forth this election cycle by GF to reach 75%?
GF is short for Greenville Forward.
In no way is Greenville Forward claiming credit for the increased voter turnout (76% general turnout in Greenville County.)I am sorry if it came off that way. Vision 2025, which was developed by the community of Greenville states:
"75% of the electorate vote in general elections."
Through our various newsletters, email distributions, speeches and presentations, we have promoted and reminded people in Greenville to vote. We have done this along with a long list of other organizations around the nation, including Obama and McCain's camps.
In other words, we do not look to take credit for the wonderful voter turnout. It was simply a goal in Vision 2025 that the community, at large, stated they wanted to achieve.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at 864-233-8443 or check out our website for a full listing of the Vision areas and their outlines at www.greenvilleforward.com
Thank you.
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