For those of you who are on any of Greenville Forward's address lists, follow us on twitter, or who may have read any recent press--you probably have some idea that we have a lot going on down here on Manly Street.
With this business in mind, I thought I would write a post to summarize all of the great things we have planned for the next couple of months so that our readers can find a "one stop shop" for what Greenville Forward is up to.
1. Tomorrow Night- A Green Carpet Affair.
This event is taking place on Nov. 5 from 7-10:30 pm at the Huguenot Mill of the Peace Center. It is the great celebration of everything Greenville Forward has achieved in the past year and also of the collaborations with other groups to achieve landmark goals associated with Vision 2025. This year, the celebration will have a "green" bent and guests will find a menu made up of entirely local ingredients, recyclable party materials and educational information on how to be more environmentally friendly in their everyday life. There will be a nonprofit fair highlighting the work of other agencies in the area, music by The Professors of Soul, catering by Saffrons, a wine bottle auction, the announcement of the 2009 Heroes Next Door award winners and the presentation of the Vision 2025 Five-Year Update. This is Greenville Forward's signature annual event and a chance to hob knob with civic leaders in a beautiful setting. Tickets are $75 per person and can be purchased by calling 233-8443 or online at www.tomorrownight.eventbrite.com.
2. Heroes Next Door Awards
These annual awards are given by Greenville Forward to recognize three people who selflessly devote time and energy to making Greenville County a better place to live. If you know of someone who deserves a little extra recognition, please submit your nomination and include in 200 words or less a description of why the person deserves this award. Email them to us at kate@greenvilleforward.com. We are taking nominations until Oct. 26th! Winners will be presented with their awards during "Tomorrow Night" on November 5.
3. Eye on Education
Though this is an invitation only event, it is certainly worthy of mention. Eye on Education is taking place on Oct. 27th and it is a day when city, county and state legislative leaders are invited to visit public schools in the area and see firsthand some of the outstanding academic programs our schools offer and our students enjoy. Our legislators rarely get the chance to intimately interact with the schools, teachers and administrators educating the next generation of civic leaders so this is a very special opportunity. Greenville Forward is partnering with the Greenville County School District to make this event meaningful and a great success.
4. Pecha Kucha Night Greenville
Ok, I know what you are thinking--how do you pronounce these two ridiculous-looking words? I will gladly spell it phonetically for you because it took me quite a while to get it right: "Peh-chach-kuh"
This program is a really unique new age of presentation style--It is a creative show & tell where the
presenter has 20 slides and spends only 20 seconds per slide. The event is free and is taking place on Nov. 12.
Go to PKNgreenville.com for details. Greenville Forward is collaborating with several other groups to make this event possible.
5. Amazing Faiths Dinner Dialogues
Also happening on Nov. 12, Greenville Forward is partnering with the Interfaith Forum and the NEXUS
Center in this project designed to find common ground between people of diverse faiths. It is taking
place in various homes in Greenville and people from groups of various outlooks will gather to enjoy a
meal and engage in moderated discussion about the role of faith and spirituality in their lives.Visit
amazingfaithsproject.org to learn more or sign up.
So, there are five big things happening in the world of Greenville Forward. If you want any more information
about any of these events, give us a call in the office or drop by. Tickets for "Tomorrow Night" are going
fast so make that your first priority and buy a couple today!
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