Over Easter weekend, my family went to our beach condo in North Carolina as part of our usual holiday tradition. The warm temperatures were extremely welcome and we enjoyed walking on the beach, reading and soaking up the sun. However, a normal afternoon quickly turned into an emergency situation that proved to be a great opportunity for a life lesson.
Though the water was far too cold for any of my family to venture in, there were a couple of folks that took advantage of the warm temperatures outside and decided to brave it. The ocean seemed to be calm but my dad pointed out to me that he thought he was beginning to see a rip tide current form as the tide was going out and the sandbars were shifting. For those of you who might be unfamiliar with what a rip tide is, it is a strong current that often forms between sandbars that pulls the water rapidly straight out without undulating back to shore. (see diagram)
As a swimmer, it is incredibly frightening to be trapped in one and the helpless feeling often leads to panic and exhaustion/drowning. General protocol will tell you to swim parallel to shore instead of trying to swim against the current until you feel you have returned to normal waters.
The two swimmers were sucked into the rip tide and their cries of delight and excitement quickly turned to fear and a call for help. While I watched in disbelief, my cousin took off his hat and glasses and sprinted towards the water without a moment's hesitation. He did not think about the risks, the fact that there were two swimmers and that they were both bigger than him. He just saw people in distress and felt a call to action. Once we realized he was going to help, I called 911, my brother gathered some lifesaving rings and the rescue was in full swing.
Both swimmers were brought to shore with minimal bodily harm and everyone involved with the rescue was also okay. But, I think the thing that I will carry with me from that experience was the way my cousin responded to a call for action. Rarely in life do we respond to situations with such enthusiasm and without hesitation. We have reservations, we have to weigh both sides. But, perhaps this week you can challenge yourself to answer a call to action without hesitation--whether it be supporting a local charity, trying a new experience, or helping someone who is clearly in need.
My cousin's response made him a hero and he helped save two lives. He says it is something he will carry with him forever and I noticed he walked just a little bit taller after it was all over.
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